Acid test of Acceptability

Assess the current level of acceptability of the project using the acceptability acid test

The answers will provide you with information on the risks associated with acceptability, as well as tips on where to focus your attention.

Response scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree)

1. How is the company perceived in the local community?

2. Is there a general sense of support for the project within the community?

3. Do you feel that the project team is transparent about their activities and decisions? Are the engagement efforts of the project team sufficient and effective?

4. Are the environmental and social impacts of the project being managed responsibly?

5. Do you trust the project team to act in the best interest of the community?

Score: 0-19
Your are far from obtaining local acceptance. Prepare for project risks (e.g. delays, legal proceedings or project not being implemented). Actively invest in building acceptability to avoid risks materialising → Download the Green Transition Playbook and find means to improve local acceptability.

Score: 20-39
You have a degree of local tolerance, which is not the same as trust and acceoptance. Improve project acceptability by investing in a better understanding of the perspectives and needs of the local community and stakeholders → Download the Green Transition Playbook and get the tools to improve local acceptability.

Score: 40-59
You are on your way to becoming a good neighbour. Keep up the good work and learn more → Download the Green Transition Playbook and get the tools to improve local acceptability.

Score: 60-70
Well done! The project is well positioned to be owned and advocated for by the local community. Strengthen the partnership further. → Download the Green Transition Playbook and get the tools to improve local acceptance

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