Score: 0-19 Your are far from obtaining local acceptance. Prepare for project risks (e.g. delays, legal proceedings or project not being implemented). Actively invest in building acceptability to avoid risks materialising → Download the Green Transition Playbook and find means to improve local acceptability.
Score: 20-39 You have a degree of local tolerance, which is not the same as trust and acceoptance. Improve project acceptability by investing in a better understanding of the perspectives and needs of the local community and stakeholders → Download the Green Transition Playbook and get the tools to improve local acceptability.
Score: 40-59 You are on your way to becoming a good neighbour. Keep up the good work and learn more → Download the Green Transition Playbook and get the tools to improve local acceptability.
Score: 60-70 Well done! The project is well positioned to be owned and advocated for by the local community. Strengthen the partnership further. → Download the Green Transition Playbook and get the tools to improve local acceptance